10 Signs Your Dog Has Worms: How to Solve and Prevent Them?

 Worms in dogs are a common issue. Worms can cause different health problems in your dogs. They can be infected by different worms like roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and more. Luckily, they express different signs and symptoms.

Common signs your dog has worms include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, pneumonia, and weakness. They can also suffer from lack of growth, malaise, coughing, and scooting. Skin inflammation, weakness, and anemia can also hint at worm infection.

get worms

You must be aware of these symptoms so that you can treat them to wellness. Let’s explore how to figure out these signs and what to do to prevent worms from infecting your furry babies.

Commons Signs Your Dog Has Worms

Worm infection expresses some common symptoms. Here are some common signs you should be aware of:

●   Vomiting: Dogs infected with worms often vomit and throw up. If this happens regularly to your dog, you must check on the vomit. You will notice a yellow-green substance if there are worms in your dog's body.

●   Diarrhea: Worms can reach the digestive tract of your dogs. They can interfere with the nutrient absorption and diarrhea. Diarrhea caused by worms can have a tint of blood.

●   Coughing: Coughing is another common sign of worms in your dogs. Coughing becomes frequent and severe when infected by heartworms.

●   Weight loss: You are providing good food, but still, the dog is losing weight? This can be a vital sign of worms. They take part in nutrient consumption, and your dog suffers from nutrition.

●   Loss of appetite: Worms can reach the gastrointestinal tract of your dogs. As a result, your dog feels inflammation and irritation when digesting food. It leads them to eat less than usual. If you see such signs, you should consult with a vet.

●   Lack of growth: Since your dog cannot eat properly and the food nutrition is shared with worms, your dog suffers from a lack of nutrition. As a result, the growth is interrupted and gets slower.

●   Weakness: Physical weakness can be a vital sign that your dog has worms. As they cannot enjoy the food nutrition properly, they lack energy. They may sit or lie around idly.

●   Scooting: It is not a part of their usual behavior. So, when you notice that your dog is scooting excessively and chewing at their bottom, you must be concerned. This can hint at worms infection.

●   Pneumonia: If your dog is affected by worms for a longer period, it can develop into pneumonia. The rise in temperatures, persistent coughing, and labored breathing are the major signs.

●   Poor coating: If there are worms in your dogs, you can tell it from their coat. Their coat becomes drier. Your dog will continuously lick their body or skin. This can be a sign of worms.

What to Do When Your Dog Has Worms

If you notice the signs of your dog having worms, you should take some immediate action. Here are some effective tips to follow:

●   Take your dog to a nearby vet or professional. Provide them with a fecal sample for testing.

●   If any medicine is prescribed, maintain the regularity of administering the medicine

●   You must maintain good hygiene for your dogs. Make sure they are not getting exposed to dirt or debris.

●   Clean and disinfect the living area of your dog to reduce reinfestation risks.

●   Different types of worms require different treatments. Ask your ver for instructions and do accordingly.

How to Prevent Worms Infestation in Dogs

You should be mindful of worms from the young age of your dogs. It requires proper care from a young age to adulthood as well. Here are some effective precautions to follow to protect your dogs from worm infestation:

●   Always maintain a clear habitat for your dogs. Ensure proper disposal of feces to maintain good hygiene.

●   You should also take care of fleas in your area. They can transmit certain types of worms.

●   Maintain a clean, disinfected, and healthy environment for your dog.

●   You must start deworming puppies from a young

●   Discourage your dogs from hunting or eating prey animals like frogs.

●   You must not feed raw or uncooked meat. Though they will show interest in raw meats, it is not safe for them. Uncooked meats can contain pesticides.

●   Maintain a routine veterinary checkup. It will help detect worms early.


What does dog poop look like if the dog has worms?

You can detect worms' presence in your dogs from their stool or poop. It can contain whole worms that look like spaghetti. Sometimes, there will be red stains of blood in their stools, too.

How can I deworm my dog naturally?

If you detect the presence of worms in your dogs, you can feed them apple cider vinegar. It will create an alkaline-like digestive system that is not suitable for worms and parasites. ¼ of a teaspoon daily will be enough.

What kills tapeworms in dogs?

You can use medicine prescribed by the vet to kill tapeworms in dogs. You can also use natural options like vinegar. However, following the instructions of an expert is much safer for your dog.

Where do dogs get worms?

Dogs can pick worms in a variety of ways. It can happen when your dog catches any prey animals, eats uncooked and raw meats, or plays in the dirt.


Worms can cause serious issues and health problems in your dogs. You must be careful of the signs your dog has worms. Once you detect the signs, you need to take immediate action. But the best is to take preventive steps so that your dogs do not have to go through unpleasant conditions. You can follow the above-mentioned steps. 

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